The Top Name for Septic Tank Pumping in Anderson, SC, and Nearby Areas

Your home’s or building’s septic system transports wastewater and safely processes it. To keep the system running as smoothly as possible, you need routine septic tank pumping in Anderson. SC, and other areas we serve The frequency of septic pumping varies based on water usage, the tank’s capacity, and the size of the septic field, and our team at Clean Flo Sewer and Septic offers reliable and cost-effective service.

Our septic pumping company serves clients in:

Importance of Septic Pumping

Pumping the septic tank on a regular basis keeps the whole system operating at its peak performance level. This also lets your septic service provider protect the environment and your home or property. Raw sewage harbors infectious bacteria and viruses, and pumping the tank prevents the waste from leaking into groundwater or contaminating nearby vegetation or surfaces.

Septic tank cleaning costs less than the installation of a new tank. Regular pumping prevents foul odors from creating an unpleasant indoor environment. By keeping up with the regular pumping of your septic tank, you’ll also lower the risk of a backup or leak.

Signs You Need Professional Septic Services

If you notice any of the following signs, promptly call us for professional septic tank maintenance:

  • Pooling water on your property
  • Tall or unusually green grass or vegetation
  • Foul odors
  • Slow drains
  • Gurgling or bubbling drains
  • Sewage backup

Common Causes of Septic-Related Damage

An improperly stalled septic system may lead to damage. If rainwater drains over the septic field, this impedes the system’s ability to handle the wastewater. Using harsh chemicals, excessive detergent or antibacterial products also leads to septic damage. Flushing diapers, baby wipes, or large amounts of toilet paper may clog the septic pipe and require a septic tank repair.

Why Routine Maintenance Matters

Routine septic tank services are instrumental in protecting your property from sewage leaks that require a new septic installation. Maintaining your septic tank reduces your risk of exposure to contaminated water or soil. By keeping up with septic pumping, you also protect your neighbors’ properties and the environment.


How Often Do I Need Septic Pumping?
We recommend pumping at least every two to three years.
How Long Does Septic Pumping Take?
Septic pumping takes about 30 to 60 minutes.
How Long Does a Well-Maintained Septic System Last?
Through proper maintenance, your septic system should last for 15 to 40 years.
Can I Flush the Toilet During the Pumping?
No, we ask that you hold off until we finish pumping.
How Long Does It Take for the Biomat to Grow Back?
The biomat grows back in one to three weeks, so take extra care during this time.

Hire Our Team For All Septic-Related Needs

Our team of professionals provides top-notch septic tank installation and other services. These are coupled with:

  • 20 years of experience
  • Knowledgeable technicians
  • Professionalism
  • Prompt response
  • Easy scheduling options

For more information or to schedule the pumping of your septic tank, contact us at Clean Flo Sewer and Septic today. We specialize in:

Call Clean Flo Sewer and Septic today at (864) 533-8233 to discuss your needs and schedule septic tank services in Anderson, SC, and other areas we serve. Work with us today and enjoy quality at a reasonable price.